Water Source - Then we went for a swim and parted ways

Then We Went For A Swim And Parted Ways is a brief, sonic diary by Water Source. Released on the 25th of October, it did little to stand out.


The album begins with a manical laugh, muffled amidst decaying walls of sound and sinical bells. There are intricacies buried beneath the drawn-out soundscape, though the progression is without meaning or substance. As you would expect from field recordings, there are plenty of scrapes, long drawn out room ambience and analogue feedback. There’s some interesting sound design halfway through the album with II, though it’s too little too late. The album reaches a new low with its closing ten-minute track, a song that sounds like it was composed on the go, complete with boring ambience cliches such as running water and dull, repetitive gongs.


An colossal waste of time.


Really Bad

Listen to it here:


Water Source - Then we went for a swim and parted ways


Joseph Komari - Stella Nostrum


Plum Wooer – Plume Ruiner