The Donnager Incident – VOSTOCK

The Donnager Incident are a post metal instrumental suite from Zagreb, Croatia. Inspired by science fiction films, space and literature, the band relies little on its vintage sampling, but instead on its exuberant vibe and tight execution of hard rock.


Every track is incredibly well executed on VOSTOK. It’s unfair to break them down one by one, though, since there’s very little sonically to distinguish between. While the sampling helps differentiate the aesthetic of each song, it’s one-tone throughout the album, as if it has lost its colours post-production. On the bright side of the moon, there are plenty of tightly performed math-rock and post rock sections. Much of the album could have worked as a standalone without sampling – they’re that good! It’s the lack of sampling that drags the experience down, though, as by the end they sound cheesy spread so thin.


While often undeveloped, the sampling does tie sections nicely together. From start to finish, the album soars with energy and passion. The Donnager Incident should look to incorporate an abundance of synthetics and sampling, a la Mercury Rev, in their next release. The more they can spruce up their aesthetic, the further they’ll launch next time. An enjoyable listen from start to finish, nonetheless.



Listen to it here:

The Donnager Incident – VOSTOCK

The Donnager Incident – VOSTOCK


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