Every now and then a shill artist comes out of nowhere and makes a name for themselves among a community of nobodies. Little is known about the artist, as they’re smart enough not to post their identity, though one can assume by their Bandcamp artist profile picture (to the right) that they like wine, haven’t shaved in months, and are completely anti-soicial outside the realms of cats. THISPLANETISNOTHING possess all the qualities of a good incel-core artist.


Though unlike the plethora of punk-rock artists associated with, THISPLANETISNOTHING clearly fucks. The true opener, chods, is mostly composed of an incredibly strong instrumental section, incorporating finnicky strumming among a maddening drum track. Elements of punk, noise and emo amalgamate in an imaginative manner. While it may sound bizarre at first, the autotune is well implemented. Fruits’ vocals, on the other hand, are straight off early System of a Down, though infused with warped noise and harrowing synthetics, tapered off by a cheesy little skit. The SOAD influences continue onto Boneyard, especially compositionally. The track is built upon, though not limited by nu-metal; brittle noise can be heard infiltrating every verse. The album peaks with Charisma; a phenomenal punk rock suite that borderlines on metal. Glimpse comes close; despite its tendency to waffle, the rough-edged vocalist is superb, as is the instrumental climax. Grasp almost sounds Phish-like in a rock-opera sense; this style continues directly into Mythic. While they lack the energy of the earlier tracks, the compositions are still impressively tightly written, mostly due to the sharp drumming. Lastly, Spent is an introspective, subdue ending, which explores the remaining noise of the album without the auditory intensity, until it violently unleashes a stream of disturbances in its final few moments.


Impressive instrumental sections that fuse or seamlessly switch between punk, prog and metal are at the core of THISPLANETISNOTHING 2. Their tendency to amplify energy through tight compositions are just as impressive as the sections that intensify it by applying a smug amount of noise. Each soundscape is as vibrant as the front cover, though nowhere near as jarring. The least impressive moments are those that rehash previous ideas, though they’re still executed finely. After a few listens, one can’t be blamed for skipping the last third of the album. The most impressive moments are countless; it envelops a sense of epicness unlike similar albums in the scene. If you haven’t heard it yet, stop posing and listen to one of the only good albums released this year under this shitty umbrella called my site.


I might bump it to an Awesome later when I re-evaluate all my scores of the end of the year, but for now this sits at a:



Listen to it here:




The Wiggles - The Best of the Wiggles 2016