S. Rabbit - The House We Got Home To

S. Rabbit is an indie bedroom folk composer from Savannah, Georgia. Her debut, The House We Got Home To, is a charming collection of songs that are both relatively simple and emotionally touching. Very rarely should lyrics be the centre of appeal for music, though the expressively honest lyrics of tracks such as Longterm, Less Rest and Day Leave are crucial to the impact of these songs. The raw production is key bringing personality to tracks such as Losing, with its gentle rhythm and care-free bells. Funnily enough the shortest songs are the best, such as a catchy and progressive Day Leave. Sadly, there’s a bit of fluff, such as the standard fare Race Rat, and the typical sing-along fare Shelter in Place. Thankfully. they’re non-offensive and easy to sit through.


It’s easy to criticise an album like The House We Got Home To, though to the album’s benefit, it’s not concerned with making an impact on the canon of rock music. It’s cosy, easy to listen to, and the perfect anecdote to breaking the tension on 4chan.fm. That being said, the artist is capable of so much more, as the sound is indistinguishable from other indie-rock outlets. One should encourage S. Rabbit to be more experimental in future, though for now, The House We Got Home To is a perfectly sweet package that’s easy to recommend.


Above Average

Listen to it here:


S. Rabbit - The House We Got Home To

S. Rabbit - The House We Got Home To


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