Row – no

Row are a band from Lancaster, Pennsylvania. Their works blend the realms of post-punk and math-rock in a manner that has been replicated many times before, though they execute it quite stylistically.


The opener a hush is quite a standard, but beautiful opener. The snares throughout the song, as well as throughout the album, are raw production and memorable. In fact, the production throughout the entire album is the greatest standout. Another noteworthy standout is big vanilla – while the vocals seem tired and strained out in the first half of the song, the math rock instrumental sections towards the end are divine.  The second half of the song is incredibly creative, but sadly the album begins to pitter out from the first half onwards. While there are some memorable moments, such as Bright Eyed and Bushy Tailed, the remaining album indulges far too often in familiar territory for post-hardcore. The aesthetic can only carry the band so far before the standard emo formula takes precedent.


Emo has a common pitfall where it’s difficult to distinguish bands, as they’re all inspired and copy off one another. Row avoid this trap by coupling post-hardcore with fast, creative punk pieces, and a distinct, sharp sound. The album gets a little too formulaic by the end – something to be expected when there’s no innovation present. Nonetheless, they do what they do quite well. The production gives the album the upper edge, and the aesthetic alone is worth checking out.


Above Average

Listen to them here:


Slave Beaver Revolt – Ten More Years


Muppet Pastor - Doom & Bass EP