DJ B!G EARTH - Internet Death

DJ B!G EARTH, previously known as DJ Fetchsnatch, released Internet Death on August 30, 2021. While there’s little different on DJ BIG EARTH’s latest effort to warrant a name change, there is a significant increase in quality compared to the artist’s previous efforts. While not entirely consistent, its highs are spectacular.


As with most sample-based music, it’s difficult to tell what’s original and what’s not. Thankfully, this is beside the point on Internet Death, which hardly relies on its sample work. It’s the gorgeous wall of noise that steals the show on When Someone Loves You. Likewise, the random samples that intersect Now Just Close Your Mind give it plenty of life. The single, B!G EARTH LIFESTYLE [Feat. CR¥STAL GIRLZ], does bit-trap justice, emphasizing its distorted, twisted soundscape to maximal benefit. Clearer samples are used almost comically to transition segments of demented beats and delirious soundscapes. It’s refreshing to experience a breakcore album devoid of sensical percussion. Though not entirely original, it’s done exceptionally well. There’s a consistent, dark ambient vibe throughout Internet Death that holds it together.


Where Internet Death faults, is mostly in its consistency. Few tracks, such as such as iregret. and Lost In Confusion, sound like abandoned ideas. Furthermore, throughout the album are rare instances of ambient fluff. In isolation, the vaporwave/ambient sections fail to make an impression on their own, as they lack character. Suffice to say, the closer is disappointing. Only when combined with noise or other elements, as during the exceptional When Someone Loves You or the jazzy, degrading We Got Love, do they make an impression.


While it’s far from perfect, Internet Death is thoroughly enjoyable to dissect. There are plenty of ideas buried within its deep, complex layering. Beyond the production are surprisingly complex and thoughtful compositions. Furthermore, it’s humor is balanced, and well implemented. When its vaporwave is used texturally, such as during B!G EARTH LIFESTYLE, it sounds godly. Alternatively, when the vaporwave is used as the main element, it sounds plain. Here’s hoping DJ whatever-his-name-will-be can nail the balance on his next effort.



Listen to it here:

DJ B!G EARTH - Internet Death

DJ B!G EARTH - Internet Death


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