PO-WA - Justice and Nature

PO-WA is an experimental harsh noise and electroacoustic improvisor from Seattle, Washington. His works focus mostly on long suites of improvisational electronic manipulation, to a rather impressive extent. His latest album, Justice and Nature, is rather uneven and demonstrates the limitation of the medium.


It’s evident from the opening track Foundation what is missing from Justice and Nature; harmonic elements. While the noise is rather spectacular and undeniably alluring, there’s very little structure holding the track together. In essence, much of the noise feels experimental, and lazily thrown together into an album. Had the innovative sounds been carefully catered to more proficiently, the aesthetic of the album would have most definitely worked. This becomes rather boring when the sounds have already been explored, such as the Mephisto Waltz-like Constructing Catalyst. Nonetheless, the progressive elements of the album are respectable, such as the demonic cubic expressions of Totality of External Forces. While these sections may be uncomfortable to immerse oneself within, they are undeniably well constructed and offer interesting moments of tension and release. Furthermore, A Philosophy of Deviance is the perfect balance of heavy and noisy. It simultaneously thumps and eradicates conventional sounds. Had the rest of the album followed the same suite, it would have been bold and easy to recommend.


Though part of Justice and Nature’s problem, in line with issues mentioned above, is the album relies far too heavily on its aesthetic. This is extremely evident during Expulsion, Collective Action and the colossal waste of time that is Victory March. Since much of the noise is not unique enough to justify its existence, much of the time one spends listening to the album is spent trying to find unique ideas. Had this album been released in the 70’s among Throbbing Gristle’s body of work, it would soar; though in 2021 it’s too little, too late. While it constantly soars for unexplored territories, it can’t help but sound like an imitator, as opposed to an innovator.


There’s a 1984 quote tagged along with the album on Bandcamp that adds nothing to the album’s existence. This is your typical art-school tier pseudo-bullshit you would expect to be tagged along with a pretentious album as such. In future, PO-WA should focus on constructing something more meaningful, or even personal, out of these sonic explorations. The sounds at hand are magnificent, though are sadly not delivered in a digestible or unique manner. One can only hope the next effort has more quality control.


Below Average

Listen to it here:


PO-WA - Justice and Nature

PO-WA - Justice and Nature


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