Prom Sex - O B S E S S O R

Despite sonic frequencies being manipulated, distorted and abused for decades, noise-rock artists still surprisingly have quite a lot left unexplored. Prom Sex’s O B S E S S O R was released on November 29th, 2019 and presented some fresh takes on the genre.


The album exceeds mostly for its impressive blend of dream pop, drone, and heavy noise rock. Thankfully, to those turned off by the self-indulgent indie dream pop scene, the dreamy elements are subtle and take the backseat to the maniacal, sludgy walls of sound. The EP is as much dream pop as Coldplay is experimental rock. Whether it’s the frantic trailing riffs of the opener Spelling Bee (intro), the raw climatic mire of pitches towards the end of Spliff Break, or the beautiful layering of O B S E S S O R; the textural work is consistently inspiring. Where Prom Sex faulter is within the compositions; outside the textural work are far too simple melodies and chord structures. If one were to take away the noise from The Chariot and The Dybbuk, they’d be left with generic rock songs. Here’s hoping Prom Sex can develop and expand upon their compositions in future.


Above Average

Listen to it here:

Prom Sex - O B S E S S O R

Prom Sex - O B S E S S O R


Alice Dreamt – The Wretched World


A Brief Smile – R.E.S.T.