Ken.dle - The Death of Your So-Called Hero. A Bedroom Epic!

Ken.dle is an avid dilettante from Houston, Texas. Produced and mastered within a period of 3 days, Ken.dle created his latest project in a rush in expectation of being homeless; the result is wonderfully grandiose and beautifully prolific. On The Death of Your So-Called Hero. A Bedroom Epic!,  Ken.dle’s finally displays his wide range of talents and delivers an EP that doesn’t rely on the conventions of hip-hop songwriting.

In lieu of a standard tracklisting, Ken.dle delivers a pure stream of consciousness for 30 minutes undisturbed and elegantly pieced together. While there are moments of traditional songwriting, much of the album is spoken-word and loosely strung together, tied together in a very unique manner. The strengths of the album harken back to the day of Daniel Johnson; pure expression in its rawest form. Much of its roughness can be excused in lieu of Ken.dle’s admirable spirit and undiluted utterances. Moreover, the album is graced by elegant keys and an admirable use of space. Nevertheless, if there’s one thing to fault The Death of Your So-Called Hero. A Bedroom Epic! on, it’s its lack of refinement. While the lo-fi aesthetic and poor production certainly add to its aesthetic, the lack of mixing drags the project down. 

Faced with eviction, Ken.dle developed and produced what he believed would be his final piece of work. It’s rather astonishing what Ken.dle had developed in such a short period of time, though due to the circumstances, it’s rather disappointing the album wasn’t refined and worked on over time. Nonetheless, it captures an important moment in time for Ken.dle’s career, and a raw unfiltered version of Ken.dle at his best. One can only hope he continues this style in future, wherever he abodes.


Listen to it here:

Ken.dle - The Death of Your So-Called Hero. A Bedroom Epic!

Ken.dle - The Death of Your So-Called Hero. A Bedroom Epic!


Glitter Gore – Friends


Auumgn – Out of Phase