Dylan Perkins – On the Toilet

Few albums have risked ruining their reputations with grotesque covers in succeeded. No Love Deep Web by Death Grips only succeeded due to being a very good album, or perhaps because of their hardcore fanbase. Pro tip: If you’re new to the scene, don’t try it, especially if your music is average.


Evidently, On The Toilet is just that. Released on October 29th, 2021, the album was as uninspired as its cover. To one’s surprise, the production quality was admirable. Each recording was clean, just consequently boring. It’s been decades since straight punk was popular, and it died for a very good reason. Dylan Perkins makes no effort to differentiate himself from the competition, almost as if he has never heard another genre. Thankfully, the songs are short and quite precise. Despite it’s flaws, I can’t deny it’s enjoyable. There’s plenty of humour and charm throughout. Perkins is essentially a more competent, folkier Imbred, right down to the lyrics. Have a read (and a solid laugh) at the opening line of Nothing to Do:


“Wake up, smoke weed, listen to Green Day, What else do I do?”


On Poster Boy Sensation, Perkins complains about the industry. It’s true, and weirdly enough if Perkins was rich, he could easily become famous with such simple dribble. If your goal is to be rich, focus more on the marketing. If your goal is to make good music, do something different. There’s clearly a competent composer behind these songs (and a solid vocalist); too bad it never utilises its potential.



Listen to it here:


Dylan Perkins – On the Toilet


Ando Laj - Dog Insight


Dominico Collora - Planes, Trains, Bicycles, Alien Spacecrafts and a Deep Sea Diving Bell​.​.​.​Just to Reach Christmas Station​.​.​.